Dabble antonym
Dabble antonym

dabble antonym

to do anything in a half-serious way or as a hobby. Send us feedback.Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Nglish: Translation of dabble for Spanish Speakers. Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for dabble.

#Dabble antonym how to

park leisurely definition antonym parole definition government how to get. The meaning of DABBLE is to work or involve oneself superficially or intermittently especially in a secondary activity or interest. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'dabbler.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. look forward to more Moon Knight in the MCU and dabble quickly where they.

dabble antonym

play in or as if in water, as of small children dabble, smatter, play. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus. dip a foot or hand briefly into a liquid dabble, paddle, splash aroundverb. I may dabble into using specific genders in my own time (when I make some. In Kittitas County, you will find one of the best known prospecting areas in Washington. Definition of dabble in the Idioms Dictionary. its gonna be a long one euphemism antonym meaning Kirishima headcanon. Creeks and rivers throughout these areas should also produce placer gold for the recreational gold prospector. 2019 Haunts need more capital to start, maintain The latter category, the dabblers, includes another Mesa haunt, Golfland Fright Nights at Golfland Sunsplash. The Golden King Mine is in the Wenatchee District, and is one of the largest lode gold producers in the United States. 576 Synonyms 39 Antonyms more 10 Broader 5 Narrower 204 Related List search. 2019 Goethe was a passionate geologist Voltaire performed scientific experiments but today, someone without specialized scientific knowledge is seen as a dabbler. Find out the synonyms, antonyms and definition. 2020 Like many New Age dabblers in the nineteen-seventies, he was drawn to the Fourth Way-a brand of mysticism established by George Gurdjieff in the early twentieth century. 2021 Most dabblers become obsessed with finessing beautiful objects and seldom think about its context or consequences.Īnne Quito, Quartz at Work, Having a few Iraq War dead-enders and dabblers in race science around keeps things fresh and interesting.

dabble antonym

a duck (such as a mallard or shoveler) that feeds by dabbling - called alsoRN dabbling duck, puddle duck, river duck. Find another word for dabble. 2021 There are licenses to be acquired if a seller is more than a casual dabbler or wants to buy from wholesalers, and research to be done into sourcing, demand and competition in various items, among other things. one not deeply engaged in or concerned with something. You can search for results FROM any language for which we already have data. You can add or delete languages at your pleasure. 2021 The mandate at Hammer & Stitch is to craft exacting pub-style ales and lagers whose quality appeals to the demanding craft beer enthusiast but whose approachability also piques the palate of the dabbler. Please choose your favorite languages to store in your profile. Recent Examples on the Web Her mother, a spiritual dabbler, believes that Khristen died and then came back to life.Īnthony Domestico, The Atlantic, 12 Sep. dabble Synonyms and related words: asperge, be innocent of, bedabble, bedew, beguile the time, bespatter, besprinkle, burn daylight, consume time, coquet, coquet with.

Dabble antonym